My name is Vicki Angela Lee. I am currently studing English Literature in university. My interests include: horror films, immaculate pin curls, sad people writing sad poetry, and piano classicals.

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What's the purpose behind this blog?
I write on this blog when a) I don't have my notebook handy to vent my feelings and b) when I'm waiting for my nail polish to dry.

What's the meaning embedded in the blog title?
This blog is actually a namesake of my Twitter username. Remarkably, a lot of people have asked me about its origin since I changed it from the generic @FirstnameLastname handle. Long story short, it is derived from The Clovers' "Love Potion No.9". Google it. It's a good song.

Why did you delete your old posts?
They sucked, that's why. You wouldn't keep your rancid deviled eggs littered around your house, would you?

Where are you from?
Toronto, Canada.

No, where are you really from?
My mom's uterus (Shout out to Tom Haverford).

Jesus Christ, Vicki. What's your ethnicity?
I'm a proud 中国人

You're a terrible writer. I'd rather drink wheatgrass juice, regurgitate it, and consume it again than read your drivel. Why do you even have a blog?!
That's the whole premise behind this blog. I am a lousy writer, so I'm using this trivial, informal medium to hone my skills. Honestly, I'd rather gargle wheatgrass juice (and that shit is disgusting) than read my own writing. I feel ya, bro.

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